Ula Urszula Chowaniec: research, lectures, events, projects (academic profile)About Irena Klepfisz's recent publications:
In Geveb here: Etlekhe verter vegn Irena Klepfisz and her poetry - Analysis published in In Geveb. Link Zenia Marcinkowska Larsson Exhibition
August 25, 2024 - October 24, 20024 Wystawa Urszuli Ulli Chowaniec (kuratorka) o szwedzkiej pisarce, rzeźbiarce Zeni Marcinkowskiej Larsson (Galeria Bałucka, Łódź, Poland) Zenia Marcinkowska Larsson Sculptures, Words, Memory. May 16, 2024, Mifgash Project Yiddish Women Writers. Worshkshop coorganized by Paideia and Oshpitsin Museum in Oświęcim.
April 5-7, 2024, BASEES Cambridge Annual Meeting of Slavic Studies
March 26, 2024: Official opening of the project Lider: Musical Tributes: https://lidermusicaltributes.com/
January, 2024 Lund, Conference on Women nd Girls in Concentration Camps, organized by Prof. Barbara Törquist Plewa and Joanna Michlic
Paper on: Zenia Marcinkowska Larssson and her correspondance with Chava Rosenfarb. November, 2023: Limmud Stockholm https://limmud.se/na-sessions/the-correspondence-of-two-jewish-women-writers-the-post-holocaust-lives-of-chava-rosenfarb-and-zenia-larsson/
June 13-15, 2023 UCL.Challenging the Binary: Non-Binary, Genderqueer, and Gender-Neutral Language. Paper: Polish language as a Non-Binary Language.
May 23, 2023 at 20.00/8pm: Online talk: Rescue Acts and Rescue Dynamics: Stories of Older Jewish Child Survivors from Poland 1945 - 1949 with prof. Joanna Michlic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/926201138588654 Registration: https://www.cognitoforms.com/Paideia1/RescueActsAndRescueDynamics235?fbclid=IwAR0QmQrWrekLO3Dn_kbaLzMC7OVU_bpmjZWf01tTYYxYwPsSeQyuHaH0EvU May (18-19) 2023: Power Relations in Language: On Queering Language in the Polish vs. English Contexts. A Comparative Discussion. https://crisis.confer.uj.edu.pl/urszula-chowaniec
March - June 2023: Events, organised by Urszula Ula Chowaniec at Paideia European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden MORE INFORMATION at Ula's https://jewishwomenswriting.weebly.com/events-2023.html This Spring, within the seminars on the Yiddish Language in Translation, we has organized four extraordinary events: 21 March, 2023 - on women’s writing (Goldie Morgentaler and Frieda Forman, March 21) 18 April, 2023 - on Yiddish literature and war, also commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Sheva Zucker, April 18). FB https://www.facebook.com/events/600268475058938 and direct link to registration form: https://www.cognitoforms.com/Paideia1/YiddishLiteratureOfTheHolocaust174?fbclid=IwAR1Ogc7QEPZbMW8E4afYHQpFYnd-GET2d7xr0v_LTYSxAAPhgFqLht5rZBg 23 May, 2023 - on children and war (Joanna Michlic, May 23) see above 1 June, 2023 and on Yiddish literature in Poland after WW2 (Magdalena Ruta, June 1) registration soon March 2023: Interview with a poet Irena Klepfisz about her new book Her Birth and Later Years, about the history of the lesbian press in America, Queer identity and activism, all intertwined with poetry. LISTEN
Description: In this intimate podcast, Irena Klepfisz talks about her new book, creativity and resistance, coming out, and her experience of being a lesbian Jew in New York in the 70s and 80s. Through her exclusive conversation with Ula Chowaniec, she shares personal memories and touches upon the lesbian activist and literally movements of her time, how political urgencies shaped her thinking, her relationship with Yiddish, while she recites some of her groundbreaking poems. Irena Klepfisz is a feminist, lesbian and secular Jewish poet, Yiddish translator and teacher of Jewish Women Studies. She is the author of Her Birth and Later Years, Periods of Stress, Keeper of Accounts, Different Enclosures, A Few Words in the Mother Tongue and Dreams of an Insomniac. Ula (Urszula) Chowaniec is a Research Honorary Fellow at University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies. The podcast is part of the Lavender Languages Institute programme of the Pickle Bar. The program is supported by Bezirkskulturfonds by the department of Art and Culture of the Bezirksamts Mitte von Berlin. Audio editing by Norbert Lang https://slavsandtatars-picklebar.com/Podcasts 20 February 2023 at University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies at 5:00 pm–7:00 pm (UK time)
Spotting Power-Relations in the Sentence: On Queering Language in the Polish vs English Contexts Event: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/events/2023/feb/spotting-power-relations-sentence-queering-language-polish-vs-english-contexts Booking: https://ucl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwude2qqTooH9frrXjOJLok_o4axWbJq6Xz From December 2023: Inauguration of the project let by prof. Ramona Gonczol, PROLang, seminars on language, culture linguistic and politics at University College London. With my participation and full support. About ProLang and forthcoming events here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/news-events/seminar-series/prolang
21. February, 2023: Lecture/ talk on Queering language in comparative Polish vs English contexts with Shaun Foley, SSEES UCL. January 2023: członkini Rady Naukowej czasopisma AUTOBIOGRAFIA https://wnus.edu.pl/au/pl/page/editorial
Autobiografia: Literatura, Kultura, Media January - April 2023: Grant for the project Yiddish Poetry to Songs. Creating a music and song representation of selected poems by Celia Dropkin, Kadia Molodowski, Anna Margolin, Rokhl Korn and others (Janiary-April 2023) at Paideia Folkhögskola, Sweden.
Grudzień 2022:
Konferencja Wszystko o Czułości. All About Tenderness Information website: https://konferencjakonteksty.ka.edu.pl/materialy-video-z-konferencji Rozmowa z Agnieszką Holland (rozmawiają Urszula Ula Chowaniec i Anna Taszycka): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2wrwjQVUIs&t=1s (film poniżej) Raport filmowy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cUZzsTeQIQ&t=71s (film poniżej)
As an Amos Oz Fellow and I am working on the long term project devoted to the Jewish women's writing and art in the 1920s and 1930s and its memory in today's culture
ON ULA'S RESEARCH COURSES. SEMINARS TALKS FESTIVALS INITIATIVES CONFERENCESUla (Urszula) Chowaniec, PhD., is a Professor at the Andrzej Frycz-Modrzewski Cracow University in Poland. She lives in Stockholm and lectures on Jewish Women’s Literature at the Paideia Folkhögskola. She is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies. She worked at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies between 2011 and 2019 and also studied at UCL, where she has lead a series of seminars on gender, festivals. She is an author of a monograph Melancholic Migrating Bodies in Contemporary Women’s Writing (2015) and a monograph on the novels of Irena Krzywicka, a Jewish feminist in the 1930s W poszukiwaniu Kobiety: O wczesnych powieściach Ireny Krzywickiej (In Search of a Woman: Early Novels of Irena Krzywicka, Kraków 2007), and the editor of special issue of Central Europe: Queering Poland.
Currently, she is working on the monograph on the poetry of lesbian Jewish poet, Irena Klepfisz, as her research concentrates on Jewish history and Jewish identity in women writing and contemporary writing (https://jewishwomenswriting.weebly.com). Podcast SNACK Sztokholmskie Konwersacje
Ula's podcast in Polish on cultural events and Polish-Swedish connections, with a writer Katarzyna Tubylewicz Snack You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-riso9y6PDo
Website https://snackkasiiuli.weebly.com See also previous project on Women's Online Writing and follow the valuable materials:
Ula's courses and teaching materials:
Researcher and organiser: prof. nadzw. dr hab. Urszula (Ula) Chowaniec
[email protected] [email protected] key words: women's writing, identity and memory, gender, queer, language, LGBTQ, contemporary women's fiction, the notion of foreigner, YIDDISH WOMEN WRITERS, Jewish contemporary identity, POLAND AND EASTERN EUROPE, melancholy, the body, identity, migration, travelling, displacement,
languages of exclusions and discrimination |
Today's world needs transgression from the growing level of inequality and injustice to significantly new space. We have invited artists and activists for to discuss the centenary of women's emancipation is a centenary which mirrors the peoples' struggle to get rid of many injustices arising from gender inequality. #100yearssowhat #fminism #emancipation #feministart #womensart SEE also info about related events organised by Ula Chowaniec: https://impactsofgender.weebly.com/july-events-role-of-the-past-and-role-of-anger.html 11-12 June, 2018: Impacts of Gender Discourses in Poland, an international two-days conference devoted to the gender, LGBTQ, body politics in Europe with Polish Focus (funded by Noble Oxford Foundation). Contact: Ula Chowaniec [email protected]
Here: you can also follow the information about the monograph on Polish contemporary women's writing (Melancholic Migrating Bodies in Polish Contemporary Women's Writing, 2015) as well as the event withing the project of electronic era, literature, culture, gender and migration eMigrating Landscapes as well as have a look at the online journal Women Online Writing
Projects supported among others by: |